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BMCC is updating our website! The website may be down for periods of time during the transition starting on May 21st, 2024. For a few weeks after the transition we will have a link to this old website to give folks the opportunity to find content before we fully retire the old media and content. If you have questions or concerns please submit a ticket at so the IT team can assist you.

Welcome new students, faculty, and staff! If you're having trouble accessing your BMCC email, Moodle, Student Records, etc. you can submit a ticket at

BMCC Library Policies

Computer and electronic information access is available at Bay Mills Community College Library to provide access to educational and information resources in digital format, promote computer literacy, and to provide access to library-owned software to the general public.

Computer users must have a valid library card when they sign up to use the computers.  Individuals with $5.00 or more in fines or with overdue materials will be denied access until their obligations have been met.

Users are expected to use computer resources in a responsible, ethical, and lawful manner.  Users should keep in mind that they are working in a public environment on public machines and have no expectation of privacy.  The following uses of Bay Mills Community College Library’s computers are forbidden:  chat rooms; games; any form of instant messaging for library patrons under the age of 18; altering software or operating system configurations; installing or running personal software on library machines; establishing or uploading files to personal home pages; commercial activity.  All computers and their software remain the property of Bay Mills Community College.

Due to the nature of electronic networks, Bay Mills Community College Library cannot guarantee the security or confidentiality of any information users may transmit across the internet or enter into library computers.  Bay Mills Community College Library is not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages which may arise through the use of library machines.

General Rules

Use of the computers is provided on a first come-first serve basis.  If all the library computers are busy, the user may use the reservation system.  Users must be physically present in the library when their reserved computer is ready.  If the user cannot be found, the reservation will be cancelled.

Users are responsible for knowing how to use the computer.  Library staff may provide limited assistance as time permits.  However, library staff are not computer experts and may not be able to assist in every situation.  Any problems with the computers should be reported to a staff member.  Under no circumstance should users attempt to fix problems.

Courteous behavior is expected from all computer users.  If others are waiting, computers should be used for work only and not for entertainment.

Users should save their work to disk or jump drives.  Bay Mills Community College Library is not responsible for any lost work or work not saved to a disk or jump drive.


The internet is a world-wide collection of computer networks which facilitates access to a wide range of information resources.  The internet is not regulated by any controlling entity.  Bay Mills Community College Library cannot guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness, or content of any web site accessed using library machines.

Internet access at Bay Mills Community College Library is provided as a supplement to the physical collection owned by the library.  The following uses are forbidden:  accessing obscene or pornographic web sites; displaying information or images harmful to minors; accessing web sites promoting illegal activities; viewing, distributing, transmitting, or promoting hate-related speech, crimes or subversive activities.  Evidence of such activities will be reported to the appropriate authorities.  Library staff will decide whether a site or document is inappropriate.  Users are responsible for the sites they reach during their use of the library’s internet connection.

Children 10 years old and under must have a parent or guardian with them at all times while they are on the internet.  Parents/guardians are responsible for any misbehavior of the children.  The library is not responsible for any materials the child gains access to while using the internet.

Due to the risk of computer viruses, users are not allowed to download programs from the internet, even if they will be saved to disk.  Text and images may be downloaded freely as long as such use does not violate copyright laws.  Users must save files to a disk.  The library is not responsible for any lost files.


Black and white printing and copies are available for fee.  No color printing is available.  Faxing is available for minimal charge.  Please inquire at the checkout desk for cost per page.


Bay Mills Community College Library provides access to a number of software packages, including word processing, photo programs, and other legal, business, and educational resources.  A scanner is also available for use by the general public.  In using these products, the user agrees to abide by federal and state copyright laws.

Wireless Access

The Bay Mills Community College Library provides a free wireless internet access point or “hot spot” for users with portable computers or devices capable of receiving wireless signals, during normal library business hours.  This access point allows users to access the internet from their laptop computer or other wireless device when they are within its range.

Library staff is not responsible for any changes users make to their computer settings and cannot guarantee that a user’s hardware will work with the library’s wireless connection.  If a user has problems accessing the internet over these connections, staff cannot assist in making changes to the user’s network setting or perform any troubleshooting on the user’s own computer.  Users should refer to their owner’s manuals or other support services offered by their device manufacturer.

As with most public wireless “hot spots,” the library’s wireless connection is not secure.  There can be non-trustworthy third parties between the user and anybody with whom the user communicates.  Any information being sent or received could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user.  Cautious and informed wireless users should not transmit their credit card information, passwords or any other sensitive personal information while using any wireless “hot spots.”

The library provides access only to Web-based email or through a user’s personal provider.  Printers are not available via the wireless connection.

All users, wireless or wired, shall not violate federal, state or local laws, including the transmission or receiving of child pornography, display of material harmful to minors, fraud, or downloading of copyrighted material.

Any restriction or monitoring of a minor’s access to the college and library wireless network is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.

Bay Mills Community College Library is not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages which may arise through the use of library computer service, wired or wireless.  The Computer and Electronic Information Access Policy, in its entirety, applies to wireless users.  Computer use privileges will be withdrawn if a user habitually violates the policy.

Making or attempting to make unauthorized changes to library computer or the network will result in loss of computer privileges. Copying programs is illegal under current copyright law.  Violators will be reported to the appropriate authorities.


Megan Parish, Library Director 2/13/2012
Approved by Mickey Parish, BMCC President, 2/22/2012