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BMCC is updating our website! The website may be down for periods of time during the transition starting on May 21st, 2024. For a few weeks after the transition we will have a link to this old website to give folks the opportunity to find content before we fully retire the old media and content. If you have questions or concerns please submit a ticket at so the IT team can assist you.

Welcome new students, faculty, and staff! If you're having trouble accessing your BMCC email, Moodle, Student Records, etc. you can submit a ticket at

Academic Probation

Undergraduate students with a cumulative BMCC GPA below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation for the next semester and a probationary statement will be noted in the students’ record. A student will be removed from academic probation when their cumulative grade point average is 2.00 or better. 

A student on academic probation must either raise their cumulative grade point average to at least 2.00 the following semester or achieve and maintain a current semester grade point average of 2.00 or better each semester until they are removed from probation.