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BMCC is updating our website! The website may be down for periods of time during the transition starting on May 21st, 2024. For a few weeks after the transition we will have a link to this old website to give folks the opportunity to find content before we fully retire the old media and content. If you have questions or concerns please submit a ticket at so the IT team can assist you.

Welcome new students, faculty, and staff! If you're having trouble accessing your BMCC email, Moodle, Student Records, etc. you can submit a ticket at

Student Success Center Staff

Student Success Center Logo

You have questions, we have answers! The staff is available for one-on-one assistance to help make YOUR journey successful. Stop by the Student Success Center to learn more on how we can assist you with career and academic success planning, free tutoring, proctoring, success seminars and many more services and resources.

Photo of LaTara LeBlanc

LaTara LeBlanc

Student Engagement Specialist
Tutor Coordinator
Phone: 906-248-8463
Email: [email protected]
Office: Student Success Center

Raelynn Hunter

Student Engagement Specialist
Phone: 906-248-8456
Email: [email protected]
Office: Student Success Center


Tiffany Bergstrom

Student Services Admin Assistant
Phone: 906-248-8456
Email: [email protected]
Office: Student Success Center