12214 W. Lakeshore Dr
Brimley, MI 49715
(906) 248-3354
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BMCC is updating our website! The website may be down for periods of time during the transition starting on May 21st, 2024. For a few weeks after the transition we will have a link to this old website to give folks the opportunity to find content before we fully retire the old media and content. If you have questions or concerns please submit a ticket at so the IT team can assist you.
Welcome new students, faculty, and staff! If you're having trouble accessing your BMCC email, Moodle, Student Records, etc. you can submit a ticket at
If you withdraw or stop attending all classes prior to completing more than 60% of a semester, your Pell grant will be recalculated based on the percent of the semester you have completed. For example, if you received a $1,000 award and only completed 30% of the semester, you would need to pay back $700. If you are thinking about withdrawing from all of your classes or decide to stop attending classes, please contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how this will affect your financial aid and possible repayment.