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Oct 10, 2022

View the full Press Release here.


BAY MILLS — It’s a hat trick for Bay Mills Community College. On Oct. 3 the Higher Learning Commission formally approved BMCC’s application to offer a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, making it the third bachelor’s degree offered at the school.

Coursework for the new program will give students a strong foundation in grants, management, marketing, and finance, with a focus on working in tribal communities. Students who are in BMCC’s associate degree in business administration major can seamlessly transition into the bachelor’s degree program as they move forward.

“This bachelors’ degree is something we have wanted to offer for quite some time. Each term we have students seeking to further their education at BMCC, but they have run out of options in the business program,” said Business Dept. Chair Shannon Jones. “This was a team effort. I worked closely with colleagues Kendra Voris (director of online learning) and Samantha Cameron (VP of academics) for months on this project, but the hard work has paid off. This will benefit our students and community going forward.”

BMCC currently has 46 students in the business administration associate degree program. These students will be able to continue their studies without having to change schools.

The bachelor’s program will be offered completely online, giving students across the U.S. the opportunity to earn their degree from home. Courses will be offered starting in the spring term, with a formal launch in Fall 2023.

"With the increased demand for online learning, BMCC has worked diligently to expand academic programming in that area. Our new Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration is really the culmination of the college’s 20 years of work in online education and 36 years of providing college access to tribal communities,” said Samantha Cameron, vice president of academics. “We are very excited to be able to offer accessible, accredited, and diverse education opportunities to our students.”

Overall employment in business and financial occupations is projected to grow 7 percent from 2021 to 2031, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This increase is expected to result in about 715,100 new jobs over the next decade. In addition to new jobs from growth, opportunities arise from the need to replace workers who leave their occupations permanently. About 980,200 openings each year, on average, are projected to come from growth and replacement needs.

“Our team did a great job meeting with key stakeholders in our community to develop a business program to train students to fill management positions in our tribal and surrounding communities,” said BMCC President Duane Bedell. “This degree is just another example of us taking our student feedback and turning their needs into reality.”

Anyone interested in the new business program can reach out to Jones for more information by emailing [email protected]. The full program requirements can be found online at